"Do You Want to Play a Game..."
"For a good time, call BlogWarBot."
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Transcript, DOJ archives (TOP SECRET):
BlogWarBot: My name is BlogWarBot. Who sent you here?
Guest: John Dziadecki's Airship site.
BlogWarBot: Let me guess. You're a Libertarian, right?
Guest: No, I'm a Menshevik. Registered Democratic, of course.
BlogWarBot: Do you expect a cookie just because you're a Menshevik. Registered Democratic, of course?
Guest: No, I expect to be beaten with a knout, sent to Siberia, then exiled to Manhattan.
BlogWarBot: That's the problem with people like you. You're never constructive about anything.
Guest: I'll probably be pressed into canal construction or the like during my stint in Siberia, then get into factionalistic journalism, perhaps become Minister of Fabrics briefly before being executed by the Bolsheviks.
BlogWarBot: So if I might get us back on track here, what in your opinion is the crucial issue facing us today?
Guest: The lack of populist power in our political system.
BlogWarBot: So what does all of this have to do with the current mass extinction?
Guest: Well, I'd say the casual links are pretty clear running both ways, wouldn't you?
BlogWarBot: You're projecting. And in denial. And ugly.
Guest: But I'm told by at least one woman that I do have a nice penis, so let's keep things in perspective, shall we?
BlogWarBot: Do you recognize the privilege involved in your calling yourself told by at least one woman that you do have a nice penis, so let's keep things in perspective, shall we?
Guest: Yeah, it's the privilege called freedom of speech, plus the privilege of having a nice penis and at least one girlfriend willing to say so. I do feel very fortunate.
BlogWarBot: And I suppose your pet issue is so much more important than ending the war.
Guest: Well no, but I can do a lot more about my "pet issue" than ending the war. I do speak out against the warpretty regularly.
BlogWarBot: That's the problem with people like you. You're never constructive about anything.
Guest: May I ask you what your idea of "constructive" is?
BlogWarBot: What, Malkin didn't cover this on Hot Air?
Guest: Ah, I'm beginning to get a picture then.
BlogWarBot: Why should feminists drop everything just because you're beginning to get a picture then?
Guest: Sometimes that is the very best moment to end a particular encounter. Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow. Bye!
BlogWarBot: About your family. Did your parents have any children that lived?
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